Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Break from Fiber

Tonight I made the sign to accompany the knitting guild's display at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival this weekend.

I can't scan it until it is dry, but here are the steps I used to make it.

  1. trace the clewe (ball of yarn) in pencil from the Pennsic Traceable Art Project
  2. fought with my fountain pen to get the permanent black ink to flow through the calligraphy nib
  3. wrote the name of the group with the largest calligraphy nib I have for the fountain pen
  4. fought with the fountain pen to get the permanent black ink to flow through the non-calligraphy nib
  5. wrote the description of the group with the non-calligraphy nib
  6. traced the clewe with a marker brush
  7. painted the clewe with undiluted cobalt-colored acrylic paint
  8. painted a second coat of blue on the clewe
  9. set in a safe place

After it dries, I will re-ink the lines on the clewe, covering them with black acrylic if I have to. Then I'll scan the final result.

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