Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dozens of Doilies

Before I went to visit her a few weeks ago, my mom asked me if I could make her some small ecru doilies. So I packed up my hooks and books and a skein of ecru crochet cotton. She showed me the white one that was just like she wanted, and it was done with thinner cotton than I had packed, but we easily found which pattern I'd used for the original.

So we went shopping for the right thread, and I made her a few more like the one she had, but in ecru. Then I started making others about the same size from the same book. Then I got home and started making even more.

This how now become a Project (TM) and I plan to make every doily in the book for her for Christmas. I probably will finish by actual Christmas, but we exchange gifts in January, which gives me plenty of breathing room.

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