Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Works in Progress

Here is the update to the works in progress list.

  • shoes - currently just a taped up foot, might toss and start over - tossed
  • grey wool legwarmers - need to find - found, and likely to be abandoned as I don't think I need a pair this thick, but currently living in the SCA to-do box
  • greyish cotton legwarmers - rip and start over wider - ripped and started over wider, but they're now too wide, I'll finish off this skein and try again. currently my on-the-go project
  • disco kitty - needs to be sewn and stuffed - done
  • Shimmer - needs to be blocked - done
  • Jeannette - I think I'm going to rip this one and re-do it narrower - no change in modern to-do box
  • velvet veil - needs to attach balls - started attaching balls, living in SCA to-do box
  • red fingerless gloves - first glove, thumb gusset part-way done - done
  • book - decide whether or not to re-sew it, if not, sand and attach boards - no change
  • chemises - find out how many and if any of them are likely to fit - there was only one and it was way too small in the arms
  • tablecloth - hem and embroider - no change
  • napkins - embroider and hem - no change
  • Roman socks - working on heel - no change
  • Viking dress - need to finish the rest of the seams and sew the hem
  • Romney - cleaning and combing
And as always, I don't have nearly enough pictures of my projects.

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